CHRISTENING: Baptism Records, Wendron Parish 1560-1812, Cornwall, England; LDS film #1596316, REF.P 249/1/1; Pg 383, line 10.
!MARRIAGE: Marriage Records, Sithney Parish 1813-1837, Cornwall, England; LDS film #1596227, Eng. film REF.P 209/1/7; Pg 158, #474. NOTE: Samuel Richards of the Parish of Sithney & Jane Jewell (X) of the Parish of Wendron, Witnesses: John Richards, Thos Russell. (Signature of John Richards appears to be the same signature as is on Marriage cert. of John Richards/Mary Jewell.)
!I believe Jane Jewell is the twin sister of Mary Jewell.
CHRISTENING: Wendron Parish, Baptisms 1827-1842, Cornwall, England; LDS film #1596316; # REF.P249/1/3, Pg 173, # 1381. NOTE: Family living in Sithney Parish, father a Miner.
CHRISTENING: Wendron Parish, Baptisms 1827-1842, Cornwall, England; LDS film #1596316; # REF.P249/1/3, Pg 226. #1801. NOTE: Family living in Sithney Parish, but christened in Wendron Parish. Father listed as a Miner.
CHRISTENING: Sithney Parish, Baptisms 1834-1959, Cornwall, England; LDS film #0254180; #RCB:32; Pg 281; #30925 {# has 1 too many #'s for the entry, but that is what is written}. NOTE: Family living in Boscadjack & father listed as a Miner.
CHRISTENING: Wendron Parish Register, Baptisms 1813-1827, Cornwall, England; #REF.P249/1/2; LDS film #1596316; Pg 4, item #28. NOTE: Father listed as a Miner. Family listed as residing in Wendron, but I believe they actually lived a short distance away, across the River Cober in Boscadjack, Sithney Parish.)
!BIRTH PLACE: 1851 Census, LDS film #0331068; 1861 Census, LDS film #0542835;
and 1871 Census, LDS film #0838825, RG10/2321; all list John Richards as born in Sithney Parish, but I find No Chr Record there. I believe he was from Boscadjack area near Wendron Parish and Christened there.
!MARRIAGE: Mary Jewell; Marriage Record, Wendron Parish 1831-1837, Cornwall,
England; LDS film 1596317; REF.P249/1/8, page 67, item #199. NOTE:
John Richards listed as from Sithney Parish and signed his name, Mary Jewell
listed as from Wendron Parish and made her mark. Witnesses were Thomas
Jewell(x) and John Pascoe(a common witness).
!MARRIAGE: Martha Stephens; Marriage Record, General Register Office,
St.Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6JP; Cert. #MX 882229, in poss of Roberta Richards Peeples, Woodland, Calif.
!DEATH: Monument in St Euny Redruth Church, Cornwall, England; viewed by Roger and Roberta Peeples June 1995. NOTE: Date of death given as 20 Aug 1873, age 60. {Death Cert. gives date of death as 22 Aug 1873.}
!BURIAL: Redruth Parish Register, Burials 1868-1887, Cornwall, England; CRO microfiche #P197/1/29v, Pg 753. NOTE: John Richards, residing St.Ives Cornwall at time of death, buried 26 Aug 1873, 60 years.
!DEATH: Death Certificate, General Register Office, England, cert #DXZ546520,
Registration District Penzance, sub-district of St.Ives. NOTE: John Richards, male, age 60 Years, died 22 August 1873 at Trelyon, St.Ives, Tin Miner, died of Diseased Heart- Certified, informant: Mary Ann Hearn (X)- Present at the Death- Informant resident of Trelyon, St.Ives; Death registered 26 Aug 1873. {This is most likely the more accurate date of death as Monument probably not errected until John's son, Thomas Henry returned from Chile. Time frame of 4 days from date of death to burial seems more likely in August, even with the time required to transport the body to Redruth. I have no idea who Mary Ann Hearn was. As she registered death on date of burial, one wonders if did this for other family sho were at funeral.}
CHRISTENING: Christening Records, Wendron Parish 1813-1827, Cornwall, England;
LDS film 1596316, REF.P249/1/2; page 63, Item #497. NOTE: She was a
twin, twin's name Jane Jewell. Their father listed as Husbandman.
DEATH-BURIAL: Letter from John Richards to his son Thomas H. Richards in
Chile. Copied by Robert Richards from original 29 Jul 1948. Original letter
!DEATH:Martha Richards;Certified Entry of Death; General Register Office, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London, England; cert XZ237665. NOTE: died of Cancer of the Stomach and Exhaustion, Informant: Thomas Phillips in attendance at time of death.
!BIRTH-PARENTS: Christening Records; 1823-1830; Redruth Parish, Cornwall,
England; page 17, #140; Transcribed by T.H.Andrew, Exeter, in 1926 for Devon
and Cornwall Record Society; LDS film #916958.
!MARRIAGE-SPOUSE-PARENTS:Marriage Cert. 1850; General Register Office,
St.Catherines House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP, England; Cert MX882229; in
poss of Roberta Richards Peeples, Woodland, Calif.Note:John Richards & Martha
Stephens both resided in Tolullow, Gwennap Parish at time of marriage.
BIRTH-PARENTS: Birth Cert; 1846; General Register Office, St.Catherine's
House, 10 Kingsway, London WC2B 6JP, England, Cert BCAZ 058694; in poss of
Roberta Richards Peeples.
!Per Edith Biggs; "Billy" joined his brother Thomas H Richards and their uncle,
Samuel Stephens to mine in Chili. He was engaged to Elizabeth Carpenter. He
met and married a Chilean girl and settled there while his brother returned and
eventually married his brother's ex-fiance.
BIRTH-PARENTS: Christening Record, LDS I.G.I, CD Rom.
!DEATH: Per Death Cert., Australia. Info sent by Anne Richards, Australia, gr-gr-granddgter of Thomas & Joanna (BOSANKO) RICHARDS. NOTE: Per Anne, he died at Ironbark, City of Sandhurst, County of Bendigo, aged 55 years. Cause of death-Accidently killed in a mining shaft by being jammed between the cage and plat cap through getting out of the cage on to plat too hastely. Verdict of inquest held by J.B.Pounds, Coroner on 5th June, 1875. Name and Surnames of Father and Mother, if known, with Rank and Profession- Samuel RICHARDS, unknown, Martha RICHARDS, formerly unknown. Where born and how long in the Aust Colonies, stating which- Near Helston, Cornwall England, 14 years in New South Wales, 13 years in Victoria. If deceased was married- where and at what age and to whom- Cornwall England, 39 years, Johanna Misanka. Issue in order of birth and there names and ages- Two males and two females, names and ages unknown. The Coroner was the informant for the cert. Simon RICHARDS, younger brother of Thomas, was a character witness at the inquest.
CHRISTENING: Baptism Records 1813-1822, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England; LDS Film #1596227; Eng.Film RCB:31; pg 69, #546. NOTE: Name listed as "Joey Dtr. of Thomas & Margaret BOSANKO".
BIRTH: Per Anne Richards, Australia, gr-gr-grandgter of Thomas & Johanna Richards. Per Anne, Simon died young.
BIRTH: Per Anne Richards, gr-gr-granddgter of Thomas & Johanna Richards. Per Anne, Samuel died.
BIRTH-PARENTS: Christening Records, LDS I.G.I, CD Rom.
!MARRIAGE: Marriage Records, 1837-1862, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #1596228
BIRTH-PARENTS: Christening Records, 1813-1834, Sithney Parish, Cornwall,
England; LDS film # 1596227; RCB:31; page 43, #342.NOTE: He is uncle
of Thomas Bosanko who married Elizabeth Thomas- sister of Joseph Henry Thomas.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film 0254180; RCB:32; page 355, line 5. NOTE: Father listed as a
!BURIAL: Burial Records 1813-1850, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #1596228. NOTE: Aged 6 months.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32; page 360, item #35, line 3. NOTE: Father is
listed as a miner.
!BURIAL: Burial Records 1851-1895, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #1596228. NOTE: Aged 5months. Although Christening Record lists this
child as Simon Bosanko; Burial Record lists him as Simon Richards Bosanko which
is more consistent with the earlier child and also the next child.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0154180; RCB:32; page 375, item 30. NOTE: Father listed as
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32; page 379, item 17. NOTE: Father listed as a
!BURIAL: Burial Records 1851-1895, Sitheny Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #1596228. NOTE: aged 3 months.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959; Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32, page 389, item 26. NOTE: Father is listed
as a miner.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32; page 403, Item 82. NOTE: Father is listed
as a miner.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1959, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32; page 419, item 30. NOTE: Father is listed
as a labourer.
CHRISTENING: Christening Records 1834-1859, Sithney Parish, Cornwall, England;
LDS film #0254180; RCB:32; page 455, item 13. NOTE: Father listed as a